
Information For Contractors

Our website provides access for contractors and suppliers to detailed project information and contract documentation. It also enables contractors to register interest with us for our projects.

Some information is set out below to assist contractors to understand the structure of projects under our management.

Working with Signal Management Group

Signal Management Group undertakes projects using a 'Construction Management' methodology.

This means that there is no 'head contractor' involved. Each contractor from demolition and piling to floor coverings and painting is a separate contractor on the site.

Signal will provide many of the things normally provided by the head contractor, including:

  • Management of the site and co-ordination of all contractors
  • Site facilities such as toilets and temporary power and water
  • On larger projects, a site office with access to drawings and so on

In tendering for our projects, you should know the following:

  • If successful your contract will be directly with the client, not Signal
  • Signal is the project and construction manager and acts as 'agent' for the client
  • The conditions of contract used are NZS3910:2013. Signal's project manager is the 'Engineer' under this contract
  • Instructions, directions, responses to queries must not be accepted from anyone other than a Signal representative
  • Signal will prepare a site-specific safety management plan (SSMP). You must provide a site-specific risk management plan. You must also comply with Signal's SSMP which covers things such as emergency evacuation and inductions. Signal is a member of Site Safe New Zealand and we are committed to safe work sites. 
  • You will be responsible for your own setting out and clean up
  • You must provide your monthly claim to Signal by the 3rd day of the month so that it can included in the client's payment. Failure to do so will mean it cannot be paid until the following month
  • You will not receive any payment until the signed contract, evidence of insurance, risk management plan and a priced schedule (where applicable) are received
  • Approved as-built drawings and manuals, and guarantees are required for Practical Completion.
  • You are required to provide your own scaffolding, cranage and parking on site

Site Safe New Zealand

Signal is committed to safe construction sites and is a member of Site Safe New Zealand.

Site Safe NZ is an independent non-profit organisation working with all industry sectors and participants.


Online Files

Login here to access tender documentation and client files.

Work With Us

Register your interest with us for future opportunities here.