Signal Management Group offers a comprehensive project delivery solution through two core services, Project Planning, and Project and Construction Management. These services are integrated to provide a cohesive management strategy and single point of accountability, to take your project from an idea to reality - essentially a 'one-stop shop'.
Services Overview
Project Planning
Project planning typically develops the project from the initial 'concept' through to a stage where the time, cost, performance and approval parameters are clearly defined. This service typically concludes with a robust concept design, cost estimate and implementation plan, and often the procurement of the Resource Consent, to enable the project to proceed into construction.
Project and Construction Management
Signal's project and construction management service then implements the physical project through to completion and commissioning. We provide all the specific expertise and resources to drive and lead the management of the planning, design approvals and construction of your project. Our systems are tailored to your specific requirements to ensure flexibility and responsiveness with complete contractual and financial transparency.
As an independent party we utilise our extensive local market knowledge and experience to carefully source, assess and recommend the best people and resources for each project. Each party focuses on their expertise; design consultants focus on design, suppliers and local contractors focus on building, Signal and the client focus on management control, performance and accountability.
Transparency and Accountability
Transparency, accountability and performance are fundamental to the service we provide to you. We utilise the latest systems and techniques to control, manage and track your project and provide full open-book cost control including business feasibility and concept design costs, cash-flow forecasting, analysis and approval of contract variations, assessment of payments to contractors and suppliers, forecasting of costs to completion and reporting on the status of approved and committed projects costs.
Our online ClientSpace function provides you with direct access to project information. This, along with our TenderBook process (which provides contractors and consultants with easy online access to tender and design documentation), demonstrates our commitment to utilising the latest cutting edge technology to maximise transparency, value and efficiency for our clients and project partners.

Online Files